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Wir sind ein Label, das sich auf die Werte wie Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit, Einzigartigkeit und ethische Produktion konzentriert.

Buy less, choose well

Our story

Since I was a young girl, I have loved wearing fancy clothes.

I've always been different.

I never wanted to wear what everyone wore.

Fashion has always been in my life.

And after years of professional experience in the fashion industry, I am launching the ERDLUXE project, which is my heart.

I want to encourage you to wear unusual clothes.

Dare! Just like I've been doing for years.

Don't be afraid to be "different"!

Don't be afraid to stand out from the crowd!

Be different, be crazy, try not to be perfect, follow your heart & always be true to yourself because that's how you are perfect!

Life is too short for boring clothes.

You dare!

Be you!

Be The Change!

Be happy!

You look gorgeous in ERDLUXE!

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